It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years!!! Wow, how time flies! We hope that everyone will be able to attend the Big 2-O event which will take place during Homecoming weekend. All updates will be posted on this site as they occur. Please bookmark this site and forward to anyone you know that would like to attend. Hope to see you all soon!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Picture Request

Dust off those old photo albums and help make our reunion extra special!  We need pictures, pictures and more pictures to be included in a slide presentation that will be shown during the Saturday night gathering. The cheesier the photo, the better! You can either post the photos on this page as separate entries or send them by e-mail to tomcats1991@gmail.com. Please include a short description of who is in each photo and/or where the photo was taken. Thanks for helping to make our 20 year reunion unforgettable!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5.3.11 Reunion Meeting Update

The Reunion Committee has had their first meeting and it was determined that homecoming weekend would be a good time for our 20 year reunion festivities. We are working on pinning down the exact date and will let you know as soon as we find out from the school. We believe that it will be around the first part of October. We discussed having a roped off area for us at the game Friday night followed by a gathering on Saturday for our families prior to the Saturday night celebration. We have not yet confirmed the location of these events but will let you know as soon as we can confirm availability.

Please help us get the word out and forward this page link to any classmates that you know of that may want to attend the event.  Also, please send us any questions/suggestions/comments that you may have and let us know if you want to help out in any way. 
See you soon!