It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years!!! Wow, how time flies! We hope that everyone will be able to attend the Big 2-O event which will take place during Homecoming weekend. All updates will be posted on this site as they occur. Please bookmark this site and forward to anyone you know that would like to attend. Hope to see you all soon!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

12 Reasons to Attend Your 20 Year High School Reunion

12 Reasons To Attend Your 20 Year High School Reunion:

  1. Laugh, cry and reminisce with some of your oldest friends.
  2. You don't have to lie about your age.
  3. Rekindle old or begin new relationships.
  4. Enjoy an evening out without the kids, or even the grand kids, as the case may be.
  5. A great excuse to buy new clothes, get your hair done, get a manicure, etc.  
  6. Have an excuse to cut a rug.  No reason to feel silly about bustin' out the robot, cabbage patch or the hammer because we're all the same age and we all can relate.
  7. Slide show presentation.
  8. Football, band and graduation video footage.
  9. An opportunity to catch up with former SHS teachers/coaches at the day picnic.
  10. Door prizes, food and cake!
  11. It's the one night out of every 10 years that you get to feel 18 again. PLUS,
  12. Studies have shown (not sure of the source, but trust me)  that those who were initially hesitant about attending their reunions, discover that it was an event they wouldn't have missed! 
DON'T MISS IT !! Next Saturday ! :>

1 comment:

  1. The 12 Reasons article is too cute. I know a few of us who are so looking forward to the reunion. I for one can't wait to "cut a rug" & "feel 18 again." #soexcitedtoseeyouguys
